The Rolex Scandal has rocked the already-tenuous political landscape of Peru, and Peruvian lawmakers are once again trying to oust yet another president as Dina Boluarte faces another removal attempt.

Currently, Boluarte, who replaced the imprisoned Pedro Castillo in office as she was his vice president, is under investigation for corruption over her unexplained ownership of luxury items, such as luxury watches and jewelry. This new removal attempt from the opposition minority is over that "Rolex Scandal."

There is only a small opposition minority in Peru's unitary legislature, but they are still moving forward in their attempt to oust her, citing "moral incapacity" as the reason for the removal request they submitted to Parliament.

According to the Associated Press, this is the latest attempt to oust Boluarte from office, with the embattled president already surviving four previous attempts to remove her from office. She has mainly survived thanks to a coalition of conservative lawmakers as they kept these measures to remove her from getting the necessary votes to move forward.

One of these lawmakers attempting to remove Dina Boluarte from office is Susel Paredes, who explained that t due to "the serious new acts" that the president allegedly did, she and her colleagues are presenting the motion to kick her out of office.

Paredes stated on X that Boluarte's acts "are incompatible with continuing to lead the country." Her announcement of the motion came in less than a week after prosecutors opened an investigation into the Boluarte administration over its disbanding of a police unit that was looking into the activities of her inner circle, including one of her brothers.

READ MORE: Peru President Dina Boluarte Requested To Be Removed from Office by Lawmakers Over Rolex Scandal

Peru Interior Minister Resigns After a Month in Office

Meanwhile, as Boluarte faced yet another attempt to remove her form office, her new interior minister, Walter Ortiz Acosta, resigned this Thursday. As TeleSur English noted, the resignation came a month and a half after he was sworn in.

Ortiz Acosta presented his resignation letter on Thursday after he was questioned about his alleged interference regarding the investigations into Boluarte's inner circle. Earlier this month, Boluarte's bother and her lawyer were arrested in relation to the Rolex Scandal.

The minister reportedly interfered in the investigation, leading to a wave of criticism and people asking him to resign. He allegedly withdrew police support to the unit investigating Boluarte.

Peru President Dina Boluarte Heading to China in June

Meanwhile, as she faces down scandals at home, Peru President Dina Boluarte is also looking to have bilateral talks with China and is heading there to meet with Xi Jinping. This was confirmed by her Agriculture minister.

According to MSN, Peru will seek a trade agreement with China, which will have the South American country, one of the biggest beef producers in the world, export beef to the Asian country. he estimated beef shipments could mean that Peru could earn a massive economic boost worth $3 billion to $4 billion.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Peru's Rolex Case: Police Raids President Boluarte's House | Vantage with Palki Sharma - Firstpost