There is no time like the present on "Madam Secretary" to show that diplomatic progress can be made on both sides if the government just tries to use the right channels.

Episode 10, titled "The Greater Good," will finally be returning to broadcast network CBS this Sunday, Dec. 13 at 8 p.m. EST, according to TV Guide.

Considering how bad things have gotten between the U.S. and Russia, there is a very real possibility that the world could be thrust into a nuclear conflict should they not work quickly to resolve their differences.

According to Spoilers Guide, there is indeed hope yet for a better solution than war. Peace talks have been scheduled for both countries and Elizabeth will be right there beside President Dalton to make sure that everything goes as planned, although their plans can be derailed by a number of situations.

They will be sitting down in Switzerland to negotiate a peace agreement with Maria Ostrov from Russia, who is the heir apparent to the leadership vacancy.

Although diplomacy is the first and only true path to peace, they have several options at their disposal, which could also involve blackmailing the Russian lady.

There is no doubt that Ostrov, as a lady in the communist nation, has had to tear through the trenches and fight the onslaught of male dominance over and over again in her career. Her rise to the top could be a short trip if people were to find out a few of the details that Dalton has on her.

Although they really do not want to use that card, they will if they have to in order to convince her to find common ground with each other. The information they have is the type that will ruin her reputation and ultimately force her political ambitions down the toilet should they be made public.

Watch the preview below for the next episode.