Lawrence Kasdan dishes on the new "Han Solo" projects, and fans can expect his word to be the canon going forward. For those who are unfamiliar with who he is, he was the co-writer of "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi." He also directed "Empire" and he was brought back to co-write "The Force Awakens." 

According to The Los Angeles Times, Kasdan had a few things to say that would be of particular interest to long time fans of the franchise and character. Although they will be prequels and Harrison Ford will not likely have anything to do with them, they are going to really show the origins of Solo as a young man and an intergalactic smuggler.

Although he will be personally involved with the film, he will also be collaborating with his son, Jon. The film will be co-directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who also directed "21 Jump Street" and "The Lego Movie."

"Those guys are geniuses in their own right, and they did something with 'The Lego Movie' that no one had ever seen," Kasdan said. "I think the Han movie is going to be crazy different, and I haven't got a clue what it will be. We're so far from putting it on film."

When he says "crazy different," that is a good indication that all of the things that fans loved about the "Star Wars" franchise will not quite be so inherent to the prequel "Han Solo" films. But there is good reason to believe that Jabba the Hut will be making an appearance, given Solo's personal relationship with the "vile" gangster.

Although he did not answer many of your questions with that statement, that was just enough to know that the film will be blazing its own trail moving forward and attracting its own fan base as it progresses through the ranks of storyline progression.