President Barack Obama remembers Christians persecuted by ISIS in his Yuletide message to Americans and the world.

Pres. Obama typically sends out his gratitude to U.S. troops assigned overseas as well as compliments the universal message of Jesus Christ which is compassion. He also broadly commends religious freedom in his Yuletide message.

Politico reported Pres. Obama's Yuletide message on Wednesday has taken a slightly different turn and has highlighted the difficult situation of persecuted Christians who were at the mercy of the Islamic State amid the calls of Congress members and several religious groups to add the persecuted Christians as "genocide" victims of ISIL, another moniker for the terror group. The State Department has also considered including that designation to a distinct religious minority in Syria and Iraq called Yazidis.

The U.S. president said, “In some areas of the Middle East where church bells have rung for centuries on Christmas Day, this year they will be silent; this silence bears tragic witness to the brutal atrocities committed against these communities by ISIL.”

Furthermore, Pres. Obama's Yuletide message stated that he and his family join the rest of the world in their prayer intentions for persecuted Christians and those of alternative faiths that God may give them protection. He also cited those "brave men and women engaged in our military, diplomatic, and humanitarian efforts to alleviate their suffering and restore stability, security, and hope to their nations.”

In a report by The Hill, Pres. Obama has often run into Republican rivals as well as presidential bets who criticized him for not exhausting enough efforts in extending help to Christians being oppressed by fundamental Muslim terrorists in the Middle East.

In fact, during an interview in "Fox and Friends" last November, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who is a candidate in the Republican presidential race said, "Christians who are being targeted, for genocide, for persecution, Christians who are being beheaded or crucified, we should be providing safe haven to them," and added that Pres. Obama has declined to do so. He even called out that the president was "unwilling" to particularly challenge the Islamic State.

Meanwhile, Pres. Obama was called by Superior, Wisconsin Mayor Bruce Hagen as a Muslim who has ruined the "fabric of democracy."

Despite receiving intense backlash for his Facebook posts and demands from city councilors including Graham Garfield, Esther Dalbec, Denise McDonald Warren Bender and Dan Olson to either apologize or resign, Wisconsin Mayor Bruce Hagen refused to express remorse for his statements against Pres. Obama and the first lady Michelle Obama.

WND revealed Pres. Barack Obama's father was a Muslim and that he has been documented on several occasions to have suggested he was Muslim or cited his Muslim faith. One was in 2008 when he was still a senator and interviewed by ABC correspondent George Stephanopoulos where he was corrected in mid-sentence when he referenced his "Muslim faith" and the other was during his speech last Nov. 16 in Antalya, Turkey where he said, "non-Muslims cannot stereotype," and added that the Muslim community has to figure out how to double-check that children are not being influenced with the twisted idea that they can execute innocent people.