This case raises SO many questions: how did a woman -- how did ANYONE, really -- kill seven babies over the course of 10 years, then store the babies in her garage...and no one a) noticed that the woman was pregnant, b) noticed the stench of dead bodies wafting through the air (really, it's a distinctive smell, you can't miss it or mistake it for something else), or c) thought to call the police? 

Since, however, I'm bound by codes of journalistic ethics, I can only say "allegedly," so let's start the story by saying that a Utah woman is currently sitting in jail after allegedly killing seven of her babies over the course of 10 years, then storing the bodies of the babies in cardboard boxes in her garage.

According to the New York Daily News, between 1996 and 2006, 39-year-old Megan Huntsman (the crazy eyed woman pictured here in her mugshot) killed seven of the children she was pregnant with, and stored the bodies in her garage. Of the seven babies killed, six were found in cardboard boxes.

Huntsman's murderous spree came to light when her ex-husband, Darren West, returned to her home in the Pleasant Grove district of Utah to clean it out, and discovered one of the bodies in the process. 

Here's where the story gets even more disturbing: according to Fox News, West is believed to be the father of all seven children that were killed. (DNA tests are still being run on the remains; police don't know for sure if this is the case.) So... just so we understand each other... West impregnated this woman SEVEN TIMES (at least), and of these SEVEN TIMES, not only did he have NO idea that each of those children died or were murdered (most likely the latter), he didn't think to question the woman even ONE time as to where his kids were. NO ONE is that stupid or unaware, so it's likely that he had a hand in the murders, even though Utah police captain Michael Roberts told Fox News that he didn't believe that West "had any knowledge of the situation." 

Most frightening of all, Hunstman has three other children -- two teenagers and an adult -- who lived in the house with her and West. So... now we have three adults, and two teenagers who are well into the age of knowing better... and NOT ONE of these five sentient beings connected any of the dots. That's, perhaps, the most mind-blowing part of all.

Nevertheless, West's family issued a statement about this gruesome tragedy: "We are mourning this tragic loss of life and we are trying to stay strong and help each other through this awful event."