The question "Do aliens exist?" is one of life's unanswered questions. And to add fuel to the fire, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft delivered a fresh batch of high resolution images from Pluto, which shows some kind of an alien snail.

If the news of a space rat/squirrel from Mars seems crazy, this may actually take the cake as the most bizarre and farfetched news that came from the dwarf planet.

According to a report by The Sun, the images were transmitted back to Earth during Christmas Eve from the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager. There, it showed what it seem to be a snail-like object that appeared to slide through Pluto's surface.

This is just the latest news where images from outer space are interpreted by imaginative minds. Apart from the alleged space squirrel/rat, there were also reports from CNN last year that a space lizard was found on Mars' surface.

Unfortunately, if people look closely on the image, the so-called space lizard is nothing more than a chunk of rock.

But what may be the most classic example Pareidolia is the Man in the Moon. And no, it's not referring to Neil Armstrong.

The Man in the Moon ranges from people either seeing a face, a whole body, or even a whole bust on the surface of Earth's natural satellite.

However, logic and reasoning prevailed once again and NASA quickly shot down speculations and alien conspiracy theories. It said that it believes that the snail-like object is likely to be just a "dirty block of ice water" floating in denser solid nitrogen after it was dragged to the edge of a convection cell.

Furthermore, the set of images that came from New Horizons also highlighted Pluto's surface, which suggested that it may have been formed due to sublimation.

To clarify, sublimation is a scientific process, in which a particular substance directly transitions from solid to gas, skipping the liquid phase entirely. This occurs when temperature and pressures below a substance's triple point as noted in the substance's phase diagram.

Mirror also reported that the high-res images from Pluto also offer people a great view of the very center of Sputnik Planum -- Pluto's informal name for an icy plain that occurs on the left side of the planet.

According to William McKinnon, Deputy Lead of the New Horizons Geology, Geophysics and Imaging Team, the Sputnik Planum is likened to a lava lamp that is so huge, it's wider and deeper than the Hudson Bay.