There's more than just one reason why you should enjoy kissing.

People love to kiss; that's a known fact. The act of kissing itself not only benefits connection with other people, but it's essential to one's overall happiness.

A new report via the Huffington Post has revealed even more reasons why people should kiss more. Apparently, kissing provides a wide array of health benefits.

Below are 5 more reasons to plant a kiss to your loved one.

1. Kissing Helps Lose Weight.

According to Self, kissing can burn from two up to six calories per minute. While not exactly a calorie burner, each calorie still counts. This reason is actually convincing enough to make people kiss longer.

2. Kissing Is A Great Stress Reliever.
According to the Associated Press, a 2009 study found out that kissing reduces the stress hormone cortisol, which of course marks relaxation. The findings, which studied pairs of college students, also found that kissing reduces stress more than when holding hands.

3. Kissing Strengthens The Immune System.

According to Popular Science, researchers believe that the virus bug called cytomegalovirus, which is transferred via kissing, can be beneficial to pregnant women's immune systems in small doses. It will reportedly trigger the body to build resistance before a child is born.

However, it's important to proceed with caution on this one. If you're pregnant and your partner is really sick, it might be a good idea to hold off on that smooch and wait for him or her to get better.

4. Kissing Could Reduce Allergies.

According to this Japanese study, couples who kiss for at least 30 minutes reduce levels of the allergen called IgE. These are proteins that result to allergic reactions like sneezing and sniffling.

As in the case of the aforementioned cytomegalovirus virus, it's still important to remember that kissing is only good if your partner's allergies aren't contagious and only seasonal.

5. Kissing Strengthens The Teeth.

Apparently, planting a kiss on your loved one will do your teeth some good.
As previously reported by Glamour, kissing wasn't called a "wet one" for no reason. Lip locking will reduce the buildup of plaque on teeth.

Saliva also washes damaging bacteria on the teeth, a dentist named Mathew Messina told health website, WebMD. In fact, the act of kissing strengthens the teeth via stimulation of the production of your saliva.

Want to know more about the health benefits of kissing? Check out this video.