A relationship is a beautiful thing. It is, after all, what many consider being the ultimate path to true happiness. With that said, handling one properly becomes a very important task. Left unchecked, after all, relationships could become cumbersome, eventually becoming so heavy that they are better off undone.

The Observer stated that when it comes to staying with a person you like, or possibly even love, it is mostly trial-and-error, with experiences mostly falling on the latter. Being a passionate race, Latinos have a tendency to end up in relationships that spark, and ultimately die like firecrackers -- sudden, eventful, and if you're unlucky, even painful at some point.

Let us look at a number of reasons why Latino relationships usually end really badly.

Private and Personal Things

We Are Mitu stated that for relationships to work well, both parties must be able to respect each other's personal space. This means that even if you and your beloved do move in together, not everything he/she owns is yours, and not everything you own is his/hers, and we must accept it.

Being Cheap

Yes, we live in a world that is far more gender-neutral than those of our parents and grandparents. This, however, does not give a Latino man an excuse to be cheap when he is out with his partner. If you are a man and you decide to dedicate yourself to a real relationship, make sure that you can act, and even pay, like a man.

Respect for Preferences

Sometimes, your preferences would clash, and when they do, a compromise must be reached one way or another. There will be times when your partner would like to catch up on her telenovelas. When these things happen, get the DVR ready and record your game so you can just watch it later.

Bros Before H*es Mentality

This is something that just irks Latina women; for good reason too! After all, when you committed yourself to a relationship, you must also be committing your time and efforts to the person. Yes, you may have bros, and they have been around longer than your partner, but at the end of the day, you're not really planning on marrying them someday, right? Plus, stop calling your partner a H*e. It's discriminatory and juvenile.

Plain Old Trust

If you cannot even trust your partner to act according to how he or she should act, you might very well start the fire that would ultimately consume your relationship. Try to avoid acting like a jealous jerk all the time. After all, if you are confident about your relationship, what is there to fear, right?