"Deadpool" continues to lead not only in local and international box offices, but also in advertising campaigns.

Marketing a drink has never been this fun for Mike's Harder Punch with the help of the "Merc with a Mouth" and his best buddy, Weasel.

In a video posted over Facebook, Ryan Reynolds posed as Deadpool to "answer" some viewer's questions as read by T.J. Miller.

The cross-promotional campaign titled "Dead Deadpool" shows the anti-hero in a mock Q&A with Weasel --one which does not go very well as the "Merc with a Mouth" continues to provide unhelp responses as if he didn't hear what was being read.

One fan asked how she should gently decline an offer from her son's girlfriend to cook the family's Thanksgiving dinner because she is not very good at the task.

Deadpool's response was not only unhelpful but was totally absurd and extremely violent.

Another fan wrote a query on what is the latest acceptable time a person can give a wedding gift. This also received another less-than-helpful piece of advice.

The final question was finally one that was appropriate for Deadpool's previous responses, but the red-suited, anti-hero turned mellow and gave advice on a totally different topic.

What made the segment appear to be something that would soon be cancelled are the NSFW snippets from the R-rated film shown every half-a-second.

While they are a bit hard to catch due to the speed the images are changed, fans who were able to watch Tim Miller's flick would definitely recognize them.

See for yourself.

Dear #Deadpool

Posted by Ryan Reynolds on Sunday, February 21, 2016

The advertising campaign was highly appropriate for the character, considering that like the film "Deadpool," the beverage manufacturer aims to cater to those who are barely old enough to drink but not too old to mind a massive hangover that comes with mixing liquor and a drink that contains high-fructose corn syrup.

As expected, many reacted to the video, most of who deemed Reynolds as the perfect actor to play Deadpool.

"One of the best movies I have seen all year! It had me in stitches from the get go. I thought Ryan Reynolds portrayed a fantastic Deadpool. It was all just ace," Facebook user Keenan Smith said, echoing Michael Navarro-Marin's idea that Ryan Reynolds is a mere guise for Deadpool.

Meanwhile, Daniel Thomas said Reynolds would no longer need another person to represent him since his marketing strategy for the film totally worked.

Check out this fan's reaction.

"Deadpool" is still showing in theaters worldwide.