Please follow all of the guidelines below when choosing and uploading photos. 


Where to Look -- Getty

We primarily use Getty Images to find pictures for articles.

Images from celebrities on personal Facebook or Twitter accounts are usually fine to use, as long as these are amateur photos. Do not use professional photos, which would otherwise be off limits, that celebrities have reposted. (When in doubt, just embed the tweet, post or video into your article instead using the embed codes available for Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and most other sites.)

Consumer products, tv shows, films and games typically have a Media or Gallery section on their website with images specifically for news organizations to use. Images from brand social media pages are usually fine as well.

Another Option -- Screenshot

While many photos are off limits due to copyright protection, screen captures from videos are mostly protected by fair use.

Make sure the video is high enough quality to get a decent photo and set the streaming quality as high as possible. Navigate to the correct frame and grab the screenshot.

If you don't know how to take a screenshot, follow one of these guides:

Then crop the image to the correct size (640 width by 360 height) and follow the uploading instructions in the Style Guide

For attribution, simply credit the video uploader as the author and credit YouTube or other hosting site as the source. (See full instructions on attribution below.)

Relevant Subject

The main subject in the picture should be as relevant as possible to the content of the article. If the piece is about the president's state of the union, the picture should be from the speech, not a random photo of the president from another event. 

Emotion, Action

Pictures should engage readers. Subjects should be in action or should dispaly clear emotion.


Photos should be no more than four months old. Always use a newer option if it is available, especially with subjects like politicians who are photographed often.


Photos should always be landscape in format. Sizing should be close to 640 width by 360 height.

No Repetition

Do not simply use old photos from the archive for convenience. If there is no new photo, an old one can be used in certain situations, but it is better to find a new photo of a related subject.

Retired Photos

Do not use any of the following retired photos:



For instructions on uploading pictures from Getty, please see the Style Guide.

Photo Fields


The Summary field of the photo should be used to describe the article itself, not the photo. This should be paraphrased and shortened from the primary Article Summary. Remember to include the photographer credit and source in the Attribution field.


Include the photographer credit and source in the Attribution field using the format "Photographer name / Source"

The Getty should always be referenced as "Getty Images"