With the Universe as vast, it sounds possible be a new generation of Astronomers have taken to a hunt for the next earth. Astronomers have announced their discovery of a new exoplanet that is orbiting in the habitable zone.

According to Weird, the exoplanet is orbiting in the habitable zone of the nearest star to the earth. "Proxima b" has the possibility to be fit for human habitation due to its mass close to earth. There are 44 potentially habitable exoplanets which have been found in space.

Reports indicate thousands of exoplanets orbiting stars other than the sun. There are nearly hundreds of billions yet to be discovered in the Milky Way.

"Proxima b" is a newfound small planet orbiting Proxima Centauri and it is estimated to be around four light years away, as per Scientific American.

The process of finding an exoplanet is called a radical velocity search, this works by detecting the stars pulled around by the planets gravity. It is a huge process and requires time to make such discoveries. "Proxima b" was one such discovery that made it unique.

With all discoveries yet to be found in solar system, "Proxima b" is said to have the closest possible earth-like world that can be seen. As a matter of fact, it is still not confirmed if the planet is habitable or not, but the chances are very high.

In order to figure out if a living can be made on the planet, astronomers need to launch new missions to understand deeply about the planet. It requires time, patience and hard work.

With many exoplanets still to be discovered, the hunt for a new earth will continue to go on. It is still a blur if there will ever be another earth in the Universe. But with discoveries like this, it seems that one day there it will surely be possible.