Brangelina ex-bodyguard speaks about the Kim Kardashian's robbery and warn the other A-list Hollywood celebrities of their whereabouts in their social media accounts, to prevent from being the target of the criminals for their negligent activities. This happens when the wife of Kanye West robbed by a five-man dressed up like a police and tied Kim before rushing away with $10 million worth of expensive jewelry.

"The thing with Kim is the amount of information out there. Social media is a dangerous thing," he said in his interview with The Sun. It is because of the habit posting of photos in the Instagram by the model. "Kim can post pictures, but she shouldn't share her location or she should post snaps after she has left,". he said.

Mark Billingham is part of Special Air Service. He spent over 27 years in in SAS  and fought in Iraq and take the Queen's Commendation for bravery after he captured an IRA sniper by using himself as a bait. Because of his toughness, Mark is also known as 'Billy'and also worked as private security for several lists of famous Hollywood celebrities including Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Kate Moss, Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe and Clint Eastwood.

He guarded the family of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for 18 months. In Mark Billingham interview he mentioned that he quit for being a bodyguard for Brangelina because he loses time with his six children and could never get a private life, says International Business Times.

Social Media is the closest thing people can do. With just one click the world would know the happenings in other's life. Most of them don't know the bad effects of broadcasting their current status in media. This is a black tactic of criminals for their crimes. If there is multiple Mark Billingham in the world the celebrities were safe in his hands but people have their different limitations in life.