There's been a long tug-of-war between Microsoft and Apple after they both announced about their Pro tablet gadgets. Microsoft recently announced the Surface Pro 5 at the recent Microsoft event, and rumors on the release of the Apple iPad Pro 2 have been floating around.

There are no speculations yet regarding the release date of both tablet products, despite details on their specs and prices having been available for quite some time now. In order to judge which of the two is better, comparing their price and specs stands out as a reasonable move.

According to rumors, the new Pro 5 will either have the Sky Lake like Pro 4 or the new Intel Kaby Lake as its processor. Since it's a 14-nanometer device, its architecture will allow both processors to perform faster clock speed changes. As for Apple, it will most likely put the A10x processor in the iPad Air Pro 2, which seems to be faster than that of a regular PC, iTech Post has reported.

Speaking of its display, University Herald reported that the Surface Pro 5 display will retain the 12+ inch Pixelsense. Customers may, however, be given a choice between 2K and 4K screen resolution. As for Apple, it's reported it will display three sizes: 9,7, 10.5 and 12.9 inch.

The usual connectivity features such as WiFi, C-Type USB ports and Bluetooth will be installed in both tables. Compared to their respective predecessors, both the Surface Pro 5 and iPad Pro will have better battery lives. 

Both companies have yet to release definite numbers when it comes to prices, and nothing is set in stone just yet. But, again according to rumors, the Pro 5 may sell within the vicinity of USD 900. Apple, on the other hand, may offer the iPad Pro 2 at USD 800. Apart from what was discussed, there's nothing much yet that can be compared between the Surface Pro 5 and iPad Pro 2 - until of course, both are released in the market.