With the rise of different technological advancement, aspects of health and science could benefit a lot from it. Recently, it was newly discovered by an international team of scientists that a new patch of skin can help monitor one's health while having some sweat.

In a report from ABC, these international scientists had some analyses of sweat which can provide detailed information about dehydration, electrolyte, sweat rate, and fatigue levels. They have reported in in a science journal called Science Translational Medicine. They have created this device in analyzing a sweat.

Also, a professor from Northwestern University John Rogers mentioned that sweat is really rich in body chemistry which gives an overview into one's health, fitness, and other physiological factors of the body. He also stated that this device is better than the present technique in accumulating some sweat. The current technique involves taping some fabric to a person's body, soaking it to sweat, and measuring its weight how much was produced.

Meanwhile, Professor Rogers said that there is possibility that this device will be commercially available soon for a one-year time frame. Moreover, the main purpose of the discovery of this new device is to have a platform to undergo glucose detection in the sweat. They could mainly establish a connection between the glucose in the sweat and the glucose in the human blood. Apparently, this new device can be used in pre-screening patients to determine if they have diabetes.

According to a CBC report, the technology nowadays can really track the calories, activities, and heart rate in a human body. With the newly invented device utilizing sweat from the skin, it can give a better understanding to the people's health easily. Mainly, this device works as a person will stick the patch on the skin and start doing physical activities in order to sweat. The tiny channels of the patch will collect the perspired sweat of the person.