2016 indeed is the year of sequels and many fans would totally admit as there are exactly 37 sequels hit the theaters and it is a record breaking deal for this year. It is surprising how many sequel have been released and rumored to doubled or tripled the sequels released in 2016 over in a decade.

As many continuations of the movie that has been released this year, it can't be denied that there are sequels who lack to make the entertainment and quality intact as they made it. As per the report obtained by Movie News Guide, the two ingredients must present in a sequel movie in order to reach the expectations of its audience as it was highly anticipated by its first movie.

According to Vox, sequels are just another way to generate more money as it makes over 8 times than the average original release. So, here is the list of failed sequel that has released this year.

First off, "God's Not Dead 2 (22/100)," a review by Jesus Chavarria states that God's Not Dead, but if does watch this, he may have a stroke. The movie sequel revolves around Grace, who faces a court case that could totally lose everything like her career, and the person she loves most. The movie gets a score of 22/100.

"Zoolander 2 (34/100" is a sequel of the movie "Zoolander" back in 2001. A Review y Kate Lloyd states that she just don't expect anything too deep as the movie hits the mark with style. The second movie just failed to bring delight feeling to its audience.

"Bad Santa 2" (38/100) according to the review made by Justin Love, the movie is failed. He stated "Even more appropriate physical gags, a foul-mouthed dialogue," further continued saying it has an outrageous situation and simply outdo the original.

The next is the "X-Men: Apocalypse" (52/100) a review made by Bilge Ebiri, states that the movie mixes the emotional depth, narrative exuberance and flamboyant powers with terrifying exchanges. It all combines the highs and lows.

"Spaceman 2" (35/100) the story revolved around the life bill the "Spaceman" and his retirement from the MLB. According to the review made by Niel Genzlinger, he says that the executions are rocky though the effort is immensely commendable.