Nostradamus prophesies have involved major world events that both believers and non-believers feel its impact. What did he say with 2017?

According to Express UK, the great events happening today or are likely to happen are included in his predictions such as the Donald Trump's winning the U.S Presidency, China's rising as next world power, Italy to experience social unrest, America turning to complete chaos, global warming would result in hot wars, and threats of World War III.

If latest events would be compared closely to what interpreted as the beginning of turning point in WWIII, then it would best be understood that the turning point is no other than 2017.

Let us look each of these events and see if it would likely to happen.

The Donald Trump victory has already happened but would it be possible that America will turn into complete chaos upon Trump assuming of office? Trump has been noticed to possess different qualities and attitudes compared to other U.S. presidents. He has different points of view and principles. He is also the most opposed winner after the election. Are these factors could contribute for the prediction to happen?

As News AU reported, China will be the next superpower. Is this possible? As of today China has dominated economy, it is strengthening its defense. We have noticed how it builds forts in some disputed islands. It allied with America's close rival, the strong Russia. Recently, one of America's powerful allies threatened to pull out its support because of the bill won in U.S. Congress known as JASTA. If war would spark between them, is China and allies more powerful than U.S. and NATO? Could this lead to the third and final world war?

Is Italy also would suffer social unrest? How about global warming? Will it takes part of the hot wars?