According to a recently published patent by Microsoft, the company is not just developing personal virtual reality gadgets like glasses and lenses. The company is up for the challenge. The patent revealed that it plans to build an actual holodeck which is a popular VR pastime in 'Star Trek.'

According to Digital Trends, science fiction has often predicted technologies of the future. 'A Trip to the Moon' in 1902 predicted the first moon landing more than half a century later while 'Star Trek' has featured a lot of gadgets that look like what we use today like cellphones and tablets.

Microsoft has applied for a patent to bring to life the holodeck which will provide a more in-depth virtual reality experience. The patent was filed on June 17, 2015 and was recently published on December 22, 2016. The report showed ways to overcome the limitations of the HoloLens technology previously developed by Microsoft. In a holodeck, the images will be projected onto the area inside a room to extend the use of a head-mounted display or HMD.

The actual holodeck will be filled with projectors possibly using 3D technology. The patent said: "Different instances of the complementary computer-generated content can extend a FOV, change the appearance of the real world, mask objects in the real world scene, induce apparent motion and/or display both public and private content, among other capabilities."

Meanwhile, it seems that Microsoft was not the only one eyeing the holodeck VR experience. Samsung also has ideas to bring an actual holodeck to life. A report from CNET in April 2016 said that Samsung has hinted on creating a Star Trek holodeck saying that this could be what VR could look like in a few years.

Samsung head of Research and Development, Injong Rhee states that VR could be made even better without wires. "You enter a holodeck, you're actually in a virtual world, interacting with all the virtual objects as if you're living there."  Rhee states that the trouble with today's VR equipment is not ready for this. Samsung wants to provide full holodeck experience to users.

It looks like it's on for the two tech giants: Microsoft vs Samsung in building an actual 'Star Trek' holodeck.