A lot of people have the wrong notion that artificial sweeteners do no make them fat, exchanging sugar-sweetened drinks and foods to diet ones. It has been known that sugar contributes to added calories during food intake along with carbohydrates and of course, fat, but opting out on artificial sweeteners was discovered to be no use. The occurrence of getting fat is the ability of the body to yearn for anything that is desirable to the taste, and what sugar-sweeteners can do, artificial ones will most likely have the same effect.

In a study reported by WXYZ, researchers from the United Kingdom and Brazil discovered that artificial sweeteners cannot make all those pounds drop off. Artificially sweetened drinks can still trigger the 'sweet tooth' in the brain thus intake of sweets are not decreased and increased in appetite will still happen. Sweet receptors in the brain can still be stimulated by artificial sweeteners, although there are no studies relating them to weight gain, there are studies connecting them to increase in body mass index.

The danger in believing that taking artificial sweeteners can allow some reserve to eat high-calorie foods like cakes, indulging into guilt-free eating may lead to over-eating. Over consumption of sugar in the body leads to cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and worst diabetes according to Medical News Today. Obesity and other health complications are something to be avoided and artificial sweeteners should be added to the list since it can all the more mislead consumers.

Soft drinks, fruit juices, flavored water, and ready-to-drink coffee and tea are all artificially sweetened. It is best to consume pure water, adding some natural fruits like lemon and cucumber for taste and refreshment. Green tea drinks with a touch of natural honey are antioxidants and calorie-free, one of the best alternatives for diet sodas and others.