Watch out world, just because the Trayvon Martin murder trial is over doesn't mean that you'll stop hearing about George Zimmerman. News outlets are lighting up after reports that Zimmerman was pulled over for speeding this past weekend.

The incident took place in northern Texas in a town called Forney, which is about 20 miles east of Dallas. As soon as Zimmerman was pulled over he informed the police officer that he had a legal firearm stowed in his glove compartment.

"The reason you were stopped is for your speed," the officer explains to Zimmerman. "And as long as you don't have any warrants, you'll be served a warning."

Needless to say given the amount of scrutiny Zimmerman has been under lately, he did not have any outstanding warrants for his arrest. Still, the officer did a routine check and soon returned to give Zimmerman a warning and send him on his way.

"Just take it easy, go ahead and shut your glove compartment and don't play with your firearm, ok?" the officer said, according to a report by

The eyes of the nation have been fixed on Zimmerman ever since he was found not guilty in the murder trial of Trayvon Martin. Just because he got off without any legal repercussions, however, does not mean that Zimmerman and his family are out of the woods just yet.

"Our family receives many death threats," Zimmerman's family said in a statement. "We all continue to take our security seriously and to ensure our safety in accordance with the law."

On Jul. 13, a jury comprised solely of women found Zimmerman not guilty on charges of second-degree murder in the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Despite the fact that Zimmerman initially followed Martin, it was determined that he had acted in self-defense after being attacked by the teen. Many people across the nation were outraged at the decision, and many protests ensued in the days following the trial.