"Santa Clarita Diet" has opened up a completely new concept of love, marriage and family life.

California realtors Joel and Sheila Hammond, played by Timothy Olyphant and Drew Barrymore, have shown that even the most unimaginable circumstance, such as your wife turning into a zombie, can be handled with love and understanding.

The Netflix dramedy got a strong welcome from viewers from everywhere with people talking about how amazing Joel and Sheila were in handling an extremely odd situation.

Victor Fresco, also known for "Better Off Ted," created a satire of possibly all the zombie shows with a strange yet satisfying twist. Vox reported that the pairing of Olyphant and Barrymore started as sunny and quite photogenic but as Sheila had to become "undead" they revealed a more barbaric side that viewers seemed to enjoy. Typical scenes in the movie were Sheila munching on a victim and satisfying her feral instincts to kill while her husband tries to calms down and put their lives on track.

The show's first season has 10 episodes of pure absurdity but still shows how the couple and their two teenage kids, managed to adjust to a life of killing and swallowing their guilt. Ultimately Joel had to kill people that did not deserve to live just to satisfy his wife's hunger for raw flesh. This makes "Santa Clarita Diet" even more hilarious since their plans turn awry every time.

Meanwhile, The Washington Post hinted a sequel to "Santa Clarita Diet" season one partially revealing what happened in the final episodes. The Hammond's plan of getting through their tough situation comes to a halt when Joel finally realizes that he has to find a cure for his wife's condition. Sheila is still as hungry as ever but her body is starting to decompose.

The series ends in a cliffhanger which could make for a possible season two. Considering that the series was able to gather a huge audience on its first season, there is certainly no reason to push for a sequel. All 10 episodes of "Santa Clarita Diet" are currently streaming now on Netflix.