Justin Kurzel's "Assassin's Creed" may be the only adaptation that has passed through fans peculiar taste. After several attempts of creating the video game into a movie, finally, there's one got a chance and offer that surely worked. But the ending of the movie wasn't the only one that was shoot, another ending was also filmed and it was completely different.

Warning, spoilers ahead for those who haven't watched the movie. For the "Assassin's Creed" original ending version of the video game, reports suggest that it has a bleaker ending as planned. But instead, in the theatrical version, Michael Fassbender's present character played by Callum Lynch, he successfully escapes at Abstergo.

Michael escapes the Abstergo together with several others held in the facility. Movie goers witness the ending wherein they will go on to form their own association of assassins. But Dark Horizons claimed that a different has molded to be more dramatic ending for the movie "Assassin's Creed."

Callum Lynch was planned to be the only survivor after the breakout and uprising in the facility. It was originally planned that he would be a sole survivor but Editor Christopher Tellefsen and Director Justin Kurzel conducted a test. "Assassin's Creed" original ending was put test and audiences didn't love how it was going to end, so the decision of changing was abruptly made.

No other alliance was made through out the battle including Michael Kenneth Williams character. But for those who wanted to watch the alternate ending, grab the "Assassin's Creed" home video release. It reportedly packed with 90 minutes of bonus footage, the movie is already in digital stores and will be on Blu-ray and DVD on March 21, Gamespot has reported.

"Assassin's Creed" movie made over $211.6 million at the worldwide box office and taking $157 million in international. International was much better than it was in the United States making a drastic $54 million.

A Sequel for "Assassin's Creed" is reportedly in the works having Michael Fassbender continuing his journey. And the next mainline game was rumored to set in Egypt and will launch this year.