A new study has conducted and shockingly revealed that everything that people know about dinosaurs is somehow wrong. The knowledge that has been taught to pre-schoolers up to paleontologist about the evolutionary history of dinosaurs needed to be rearranged as per the study concluded.

According to Science Daily, over century theories of the evolutionary history of dinosaurs has potentially uprooted everything people know about their family tree. The study suggests that the family groupings of dinosaurs are all needed to be redefined and rearranged.

At the University of Cambridge, Baron and his colleagues have analyzed and looked at the over 450 characteristics of 75 dinosaur species. Scientists analyzed the hundreds of fossil to understand better the origin and evolution of dinosaurs.

They have used computer simulations in grouping those have similar characteristics and created a hundred potential dinosaur family tree. According to Paul Barrett of London's Natural History Museum, he claimed that their study overturns 130 years of dogma.

Scientist stated that they may just be having an academic exercise, but it is essential to know how big changes have occurred in dinosaurs. According to Matt Barron, a paleontology doctoral student at the University of Cambridge stated that as they look deeper at the dinosaur fossils, T.Rex has been moved into a new branch family tree.

Moreover, the study concludes more dinosaurs are originated from Northern rather than old reports claimed South. Reports suggested that the newly revised dinosaur family tree make sense compared to the old one. It also suggests two categories of dinosaurs, the reptile-hipped or the Saurischia and the bird-hipped or the Ornithischia.

According to News, T. Rex was likely more related to Stegosaurus and the dinosaurs were once thought to be on the side of the hip divide. Baron disagreed to the theory of 130 years old as the new theory suggests that dinosaurs first appeared 247 million years ago. It was 10 million years earlier than first thought.

A New study revealed that the first vision of dinosaur reportedly was a small omnivore that has rasping hands, walking on its hind legs. David Norman, the co-author of the new study stated that if it proves true, then all textbooks should be re-written.