Rockstar continues to pour updates in its four-year-old game "Grand Theft Auto V." Just recently, GTA's developer rolled out a new game mode, Resurrection together with a new car that is now available for players to drive in the streets.

GameSpot has reported that "Grand Theft Auto V" developer keeps the game on the map by rolling out fresh contents. This time, Resurrection was introduced in the GTA 5 online which is basically plays like a combo of a death match and dodgeball match for "Gears of War 4."

"Grand Theft Auto V" Resurrection is a mode wherein players can take down other players but also revived that other players in their own team for every kill scored. The idea goes back and forth until one team completely runs out of living players but the catch is, they can always come back.

Reports concluded that the Resurrection mode in "Grand Theft Auto V," can be played by eight players at a time also, in a minimum of four players. According to Rockstar, it is like a team building exercise, just like bringing your teammates back into the game but by bringing them back, players need to shoot the opponent in the back of the head, Play Station Life has reported.

Reports suggest that there is only one way to get ahead in the "Grand Theft Auto V" Resurrection mode. It is by you wiped out all of the opponent's players, they can always come back to life. Rockstar did not just roll out the new adversary mode but along with it, a new vehicle was also added and is now out in the streets.

Players of "Grand Theft Auto V" can now hit the road of Los Santos in the Pegassi Infernus Classic. The new vehicle, Pegassi Classic can be on the Legendary Motorsport web page. According to the Rockstar, the new car is a fuel consumption and is designation to anti against humanity crime. As far as the safety features are concerned, players might also be driving around in a cluster bomb.

Moreover, "Grand Theft Auto V" Resurrection is currently available in 7 maps and that includes, RON alternates Wind Farm, Aircraft Carrier, and Elysian Island. The developer also suggests that players can enjoy the limited time of double GTA RP and money while playing in the new game mode rolled out.