Netflix is releasing a special episode of Dreamwork's "The Adventures of Puss in Boots" in which young viewers have several points of choice where they can decide to take the story for the first time.

The show is a spin-off of the popular "Shrek" series and stars the titular feline swordfighter made famous by Antonio Banderas. Danny Trejo and John Leguizamo both lend their voices to villains trying to stop Puss throughout the season.

Children and their families will have several choices over what Puss will do over the course of "Puss in Book: Trapped in an Epic Tale," in an effort by Netflix to increase interactive content.

“Kids are already talking to the screen,” said Carla Engelbrecht Fisher, Netflix’s director of product innovation in a blog post released by the company Tuesday. “They’re touching every screen. They think everything is interactive.”

There are 13 different decision points in "Puss in Book," each with two choices, these will result in thousands of different combinations for the story. The most direct version of events runs 18 minutes, and the longest is 39 minutes long. For comparison, a typical episode of "The Adventures of Puss in Boots" is roughly 23 minutes long.

Right now, the interactive content in the episode is only available through TVs that are connected to the internet or to devices like the Amazon FireStick and Apple TV, as well as through iOS devices like the iPad. The experiment was a natural fit for the story-book atmosphere, but if successful, other creators and producers might be able to exploit the medium for daring new creative visions.