Joe Biden states his plan for his immigration policy in the United States.
(Photo : Reuters)

Joe Biden said that his immigration policy will focus more on the 'family unification' of foreigners and migrants will only get deported if they committed felonies while in the United States, according to a published article in Breitbart.

Joe Biden said during his interview in a news outlet on January 20 that "My [immigration] policy is family unification ... What I'm going to do is make sure we focus on family unification ... protect dreamers ... [and] provide a pathway [to citizenship] for 11 million people ... [the border] cages close ... We're not going to deport anybody who has not - in this country - committed a felony."

In his interview, Biden said that he did not promise to protect the Americans from migrants who cross the borders if he stops deportation. He also said during the interview that migrants are looking for jobs in the United States, housing in American communities, and most of all places for education used by American children.

Meanwhile, many studies show that migrants tend to reduce American wages and increase American housing prices.

When Biden was asked about what changes would he impose on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE), Biden said that he will protect illegal-immigrant parents who sent their children to American schools.

Biden said: "One of the things that are happening is, particularly for Latino and Hispanic kids, is the incredible pressure on them in terms of their sense of security. They go off to school wondering whether their mom comes and picks them up if she's not going to be there because an ICE agent was there to arrest her. Or she takes them to the doctor, that she's going to be not there because she is quoted undocumented and an ICE agent is going to pick him up. You change the [ICE agency's] culture by saying 'You are going to get fired. You are fired if you do that. You only arrest to deal with a felony that's committed.'"

Joe Biden is so determined to protect migrants. Along with his political will, Biden states: "The fact is that we're in a position now where, look, 24 out of every 100 kids in our schools today is Hispanic. Twenty-four out of 100. It's in everybody's interest - the wealthy, the poor, Republicans, Democrats, no matter who they are, to make sure this becomes an incredibly well-educated part of the community. That's how every major wave of immigration has occurred. We should be investing, investing significantly, for the safety and the sake of this country."

However, the research chief at the Center for Immigration Studies, Steve Camarota, it is more difficult for American schools either legal or illegal immigrants after Biden refused to distinguish between Americans and illegals. 

Camarota said that there are roughly more than 13 million Hispanic children under the K-12 population which is estimated to be around more than 54 million. In more than 13 million Hispanic children, it is estimated that there are 3.5 million U.S. born kids with at least one illegal immigrant parent. Along with this is more than 500,000 kids who were brought illegally by their foreign parents. 

Biden issued a labor policy in December that would allow more visas and would allow U.S. companies to hire foreigners instead of U.S. graduates. Biden said he "will work with Congress to first reform temporary visas to establish a wage-based allocation process and establish enforcement mechanisms to ensure they are aligned with the labor market and not used to undermine wages."