In an era where almost everyone uses their mobile phones to shop for products and consume information, developing an app for your business has turned from luxury to necessity. From ordering products to enjoy instant customer service, your customers will be able to do anything on the go. 

With a small amount of capital, you may not want to hire a professional to create an app for your business. You resort to watching online videos and blogs on how to develop apps without any experience. Yes, the instructions will work if you follow them step by step. But can you say for sure that your app will match the quality of a professional? Plus, you may not be so tech-savvy to develop an app all by yourself.

Take Dave Shah for example. He first developed a food-delivery app when he was 17. But he didn't do it alone. He had no idea about coding or how to go about the app development process. And so, he hired a professional app developer. The app became popular instantly with users at colleges and universities across the US. Dave suggests that you too should hire a professional if you want an app you'd be proud of. Professional app developers offer a lot more value than you might think.

1. Agile development practice

Agile development practices provide better responsiveness to your app. Your customers will hate to use the app if it freezes suddenly. According to Dave, agile development practice, together with scrum management, will make your app work smoothly. You'd hardly find any information about this by simply watching online videos, so you're better off working with an expert who can guide you through the entire process.

2. Native development

You wouldn't want to develop an app is built as a hybrid app. If you do, you will limit the functionality and the future growth of the platform. Dave always recommends entrepreneurs to hire an app developer who has experience in developing native applications. It will yield a better long term return on investment.

3. Compactness of app

Smartphone users are often on the lookout for small-sized apps so that their phones don't run out of internal memory. You may not know how to edit the features, images, videos, or infographics to reduce the size of your app. A professional, on the other hand, will try to keep the download size of the app as small as possible without getting rid of necessary features.

4. Minimal registration fields

App users love two things: its simplicity and minimal registration fields. Would you like to install an app that requires three pages of your personal information? You would immediately question why the app needs so many details. Dave is confident that your customers would feel the same way if they need to fill out tons of fields while registering. Professional app developers focus not only on minimal registration fields but also a user-friendly interface so that users can navigate through the app easily.

Dave Shah is the founder and CEO of Wve Labs, a company that develops apps for startups and Fortune 500 companies. You should follow his advice and hire a professional app developer if you want to see your company grow.