The new season of BBC's hit show "Doctor Who" will be introduced to the world in a fashion similar to how rock stars promote their new records. This coming August, actors Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman will be going on a massive world tour in an extreme effort to promote the television show. Spanning Aug. 7-19, the 12th Doctor to be portrayed by Capaldi and his latest companion Clara Oswald played by Coleman will be visiting every continent around the world except Africa and Antarctica. The world tour will include visits to the following countries: United States, U.K., London, Mexico, Brazil, South Korea and Australia. They will be able to cover the five continents in less than two weeks. Peter Capaldi expressed his excitement to get the chance to interact with all the fans after eight long months of filming "deep in the world of monsters."

Season 8 is set to premiere on television in August, but no exact date and time have been given yet. Also, not much has been revealed about the first episode except that it was written by Steven Moffat and directed by Ben Wheatley. Fans of the series are looking forward to finally get answers to the last season's ending and cliffhanger. According to Doctor Who TV UK, Season 8 will take place mostly in Victorian London, featuring the return of the Paternoster Gang. The 16-second trailer simply announced the return of the show with the caption "The New Doctor Lands, This August."

While the production time has been quite stingy with spoilers, some photos of the TARDIS have been leaked online via Instagram in what appears to be the filming of Episode 9. Nonetheless, this does not give any important plot details that can be considered to be a true spoiler. More secrets will probably be revealed during the world tour set to take place in the same month of the season premiere.