The Biden Administration reportedly compiled a 500-page report regarding the issue involving the Border Patrol agents accused of using whips against migrants last year.

Brandon Judd, the president of the union known as the National Border Patrol Council, confirmed the existence of the said report to the New York Post on Thursday, claiming that the documents were the outcome of the administrative investigation conducted by the Customs and Border Protection's Office of Personal Responsibility (ORP).

The outlet did not confirm whether the report compiled by the Biden administration marks the end of the investigation regarding the Border Patrol agents' actions.

Judd and the National Border Patrol Council have always insisted that the Border Patrol agents did nothing wrong and were merely following instructions from multiple supervisors.

"I don't know what's in it. As of yesterday afternoon, the chief of the Border Patrol didn't know what's in it," Judd emphasized.

Judd further noted that he never saw a 500-page report where "no one did anything wrong."

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Border Patrol Agents Accused of Whipping Migrants May Lose Job

The news about the 500-page report came after the Border Patrol Agents accused of whipping migrants have still their jobs at stake even though were cleared with wrongdoing, according to the Post.

The outlet noted that if the OPR finds that the agents violated a CBP police during their encounter with Haitian migrants, they could face termination as a consequence.

However, the Border Patrol agents may not worry, as Texas Governor Gregg Abbot has their back.

In a tweet, Abbot claimed that the lone start state will offer them a job in securing the border, once they were terminated from their post.

"These agents should be praised not persecuted," Abbott underscored.

Meanwhile, a statement from the Department of Homeland Security assured that the OPR has a customary process in investigating the matter.

"Once complete, the results of the investigation will be provided to CBP management to determine whether disciplinary action is appropriate and, if so, the specific discipline to be imposed," DHS pointed out, per the Post.

Border Patrol Agents Accused of Whipping Haitian Migrants

In September last year, Border Patrol Agents mounted on horses were photographed chasing Haitian migrants along the Texas border.

The photo sparked different opinions and speculations from U.S. officials.

Vice President Kamala Harris said that she was deeply troubled by the photographs and called the Border Patrol Agents depicted in the photo horrible for treating the Haitian migrants that way.

White House Press Secretary Hen Psaki also called the photos horrific, claiming that anyone who will see the photos will think that what the Border Patrol agents did were not acceptable.

Meanwhile, photographer Paul Ratje told KTSM that he saw an agent swinging the whip, but claimed that he did not actually see them use it on the migrants.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written By: Joshua Summers

WATCH: Trust Index: Border Patrol Did Not Use Whips When Confronting Migrants - From News4JAX