Are you tired of turning off then turning back on your electronic devices so you can save on battery life? And are you tired of charging your smartphone in the restroom at work?

Here are some simple but effective ways to saving and perhaps recharging your battery life on most of your electronic devices, including your smartphones and tablets, that run on iOS, Android, Windows, and BlackBerry systems. Some of these tips have been collected by The Guardian, PC, TechRepublic, ZDNet, and, and also reported by El Dínamo, and the International Business Times.

Tip #1: Turn off your GPS services that are on your smartphones and tablets, along with the ones that exist within the social media apps. Some, if not all them are constantly updating your location. One does not need to have all of them operating with a GPS location at the same time. This takes up energy.

Tip #2: Try to disable the function that updates your emails, and again within your social media apps. This updating function takes up more energy than the GPS function.  

Tip #3: Try adjusting the display screen from bright to dim. Most electronic devices have a button where you can alter the brightness setting. Also, one can try setting the screen to turn-off within a time period of 30 seconds, this way could stop the battery from becoming drained.

Tip #4: Stop using the vibration mode. Setting it to vibrate when you go to an office meeting, or to the library drains the battery. Try shutting down the vibration alerts, and try replacing them with quieter ringtones or silent modes.

Tip #5: Stop using fancy animated or 3D screen-savers. Instead, try switching to a static and dark background. Those fancy screen-savers cause the internal hardware to work even more, hence sucking your battery.

Tip #6: No more flash photography. Try not to use the flash on your mobile device, unless you really have to. Be aware that the flash is a big energy sucker.

For specific electronic devices that run on iOS, here are two tips: Tip #7: You do not always have to have Siri on, try to disable it. In order to do so, go to the Settings, then choose General, and then select Siri and turn off.

And Tip #8: Similarly to Tip #2, which is related to disabling the update feature, do the same for the iCloud. To disable it, go to iCloud Features, then go to Settings, then to iCloud.

Tip #9: When you are not using the WiFi and Bluetooth features, simply turn them off. You have go to the Settings, then choose the WiFi wireless connection to turn off the WiFi. As for the Bluetooth, choose the Bluetooth Connectivity, and then turn it off.

Finally, Tip #10: This is perhaps challenging. Try limiting yourself to using 2G per day. For that to happen on your electronic device, one has to go to Settings, then select Cellular, and then turn off the Enable 3G/4G option.

Hopefully these tips for your electronic devices should help you to save your battery life.