NASA spotted a huge space in the Milky Way in what appears to be a black hole spitting out its "food". Based on the latest observations by space experts, about 99 percent of gas gets thrown back right at space by the black hole.

Space News shared that even if black holes are not entirely visible, the surrounding space around them comes up with a potent radiation from all the materials that it sucks in. However, things have turned out differently for the Sagittarius-A star or this gigantic black hole. When scientists started noticing that there was no light being transmitted around it, questions start to grow.

Arguments about what happens around the huge black hole have been persistent for almost two decades now. Recent results of studies led by University of Massachusetts' Daniel Wang are the first set of solid evidence scientists have gotten their hands on. The debate is still on a rise whether the black hole is spitting out the matters back or if it is relates to material accretion. However, majority of the findings only show that the materials in the gas cloud are actually being spewed out by the massive hole. This is the only realistic theory that could explain its lack of emitted light.

The X-ray images dealt more on the gas cloud that surrounds the black hole of the Milky Way. The discovery could not have gone successful if not for the assistance of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory of NASA.

Scientists say, however, that there should be more observation spent on how the gas is spewed out from its huge hole.