Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus among others are some of the most popular social media sites today, but there are others that are rising in popularity that some people might not have ever heard of.

While the popular American based social media giants are as simple to remember as they are to sign up, these other growing internationally based social sites do not have names that exactly roll off the tongue but some people are getting more access to them.

Here are at least six social media sites similar to Facebook, and Instagram among others.

1. "We Heart It" is based on uploading and "hearting" or, in this case, really loving images. The site boasts of 25 million users, and approximately 80 percent of its users are all female, and under the age of 24, Time reported.

"We Heart It" was created by a young male graphic designer who had originally built an "I Heart It" page which gathered pictures for inspiration. "I Heart It" grew from a hobby and its relatable popularity through word of mouth from friends to a fully-fledged business, Time reported. The company grew in 2011. Its creator, Fabio Giolito, has taken on the role of lead designer since then.

2. "About.me," on the other hand, is a personal hosting service that already has five million users. It was founded in 2009. Users can connect to each other using their Facebook and Flickr profiles. The pages are profiles that only make up one page. One can create an artistic background and a short bio, and it is clutter free.

3. "Delicious" is clocking in at nine million users. This is a social bookmarking site that assists its users in tracking their favorite pages and profiles. "Delicious" has perhaps had a tasty impact on some tech companies; it was founded in 2003, then Yahoo! purchased it in 2005, but as of now Science Inc. are its official owners. The site uses tagging as well as indexing.

4. "Draugiem" was launched in 2004, but its popularity grew in the Republic of Latvia in Northern Europe. Just like Facebook to Americans, "Draugiem" is at the center of Latvians' lives, or so it boasts. This social media site is even more popular than email. The Draugiem Group owns the site, including a number of technology related companies around the country.

5. "Douban" is similar to Facebook in that it is considered the ultimate social networking platform in China. Launched in 2005, it allows its users to create information and content based on recent events, local news, books, films and music. "Douban" is so huge that it has its own radio station; its station is the No. 1 app in iOS store downloads.

The site is not limited to registration. In other words, whether you have signed up or not, the site gives people access. The easy access gives it popularity and 53 million users. While it caters to Chinese residents, it includes content from a vast variety of media outlets.

6. "Fotki" might be the next step after Flickr because it boasts of photo and video sharing. It is one of the biggest social sites in the world. It features web touches that include RSS feeds, and users can acquire unlimited storage. It is free for people in Estonia, Lithuania, Russia or Latvia.

This social site also provides a blogging platform, online printing and even email.