Many of the features already available on other Google products are now -- or soon will be -- in Google Glass.

Endgadget reports that though some of the latest updates have been less than useful, Google has launched a whole new range of commands that will help in real-time for avid travelers and socialites.

Google Glass users can search for up to 20 recent and favorited contacts to call by voice command, and the entire phone book is accessible, according to Endgadget.

In addition, based on your location, Google Glass can give you information on nearby events and travelers can have quick access to a currency converter.

Switching between communication methods is also not hard: a simple swipe will swap between email and Google Hangouts.

According to Google, the Glass Explorer Edition is $1,500.

The voice commands can also control volume, sending a photo, and other simple tasks.

These features will be available almost immediately for Android users, but iOS users will have to wait for the MyGlass app.

But some other subtle changes are in the works, including an updated design.

On Aug. 12, the U.S. Patent office granted Google Glass makers an update prototype design, according to TechRadar.

The new design looks like a thick pair of normal eyeglasses, except likely much thicker to hold the hardware inside.

The current design, however, hasn't stopped enthusiasts from getting their hands on the cyborg look.

A startup called Wearable Intelligence has raised more than $8 million to bring the technology to certain industries, according to Forbes.

Wearable Intelligence think that it is necessary in fields such as healthcare and energy.

The company currently has four products similar to Google Glass which allow those in healthcare and energy industries to have a hands-free workflow. This includes performing standardized checklists and procedures, as well as reading data and vital signs.