In less than three weeks, fans will see the launch of the "Destiny" video game. Bungie, the company behind "Halo" and publishing company Activision, released the game's official launch trailer to whet the appetite of fans eagerly waiting for the game's final release, Pocket Lint reports. There will be at least two or three launch trailers that will be released prior to the official launch on Sept. 9, 2014. The launch will be worldwide, with "Destiny" being available for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

"Destiny" is a role-playing game that has been highly-anticipated for some time. It is a first-person shooter video game with an open world setting that is akin to a mythic science fiction.

The release of the trailer followed the highly popular "Destiny" Beta versions for PS3 and PS4 game consoles. The Xbox Live Gold subscribers who had Xbox 360 or Xbox One were only given access to the game on July 23. Those who played the game on July 26 were sent special rewards for their participation in testing the game.

In "Destiny," the player takes on the role of the Guardian to Earth's last city and is strong enough to exert incredible power, which allows the Guardian to explore the ruins of an ancient solar system that will take the player to the jungles of Venus to Mars' red dunes.

Trailers are available on YouTube, although it is more a collage of a third person view of the game rather than the original first person look at the game's sci-fi realm. The graphics look fantastic and very sharp and clean. The trailer also shows "Destiny's" gameplay, giving a peek at the game's huge draws, like the vast choices for the player, seamless multiplayer mode and combat choices, as well as its open world setting.