Nine government officials from Colombia are headed to Estonia to learn about cyber defense training, according to Colombia Reports.

Minister of Defense Juan Carlos Pinzon said Tuesday that it was important to develop capabilities in the areas of cyber security and cyber defense in a world where cyber crime affects anyone with a computer or cell phone.

"This is part of an effort to strengthen this knowledge in such a critical issue today, not only in Colombia, but in the world," he told Colombia Reports. "If you look in terms of public safety, this is a problem, this is an issue, it's an everyday issue that affects anyone performing transactions online, or using a cell phone. This is real life."

Cybercriminals have increasingly targeted Colombia due to its economic growth, and they range from natives -- including 343 caught last year -- to foreigners.

In 2013 stealing money or information via computer cost Colombians $500 million, according to Colombia Reports.

And of those attacks, only 1 in 3 cyber crimes were discovered by police intentionally, and 4 in 10 criminal actions were discovered by accident.

For this reason, the federal government has decided to ramp up its efforts to fight cybercrime, and is sending nine officials abroad to train.

The defense training is a two-year program in the Estonian capitol of Tallinn.

Two army officers, one Navy officer, five air force officers and one officer from the national police are making the trip to the eastern European country, according to Colombia Reports.

They will be assisted by international and U.S. efforts.

In March, the Organization of American States (OAS) announced they would be sending a team to aid in the training.

In addition to the Colombian Ministry of Defense, Bell Helicopter, which is an American rotorcraft manufacturer producing military helicopters, is also cooperating in the effort, according to Colombia Reports.

The nine offcials will have access to tactical exercises, including cyber threats and cyber attack scenarios on government, businesses and social infrastructure.