Andrew Scott, who plays Moriarty in the hit TV series "Sherlock," is openly gay. According to Mirror, he has said that his sexual preference did not affect his working life in a negative way. He is currently busy promoting his latest comedy film, "Pride," where he plays Gethin, a gay bookshop owner.

Pride is about the miners' strike in 1984. The movie is based on a true story about the unlikely alliance that happened between a group of gay and lesbian activists from London and a Welsh mining community. In order to help the miners during their yearlong strike, the gay rights activists raised thousands of pounds for the Dulai Valley mining community. Andrew Scott said that it was an extraordinary story that is not known by many people.

Andrew Scott, as part of his promotion for the film, took part in an Ask Me Anything (AMA) segment on Reddit. However, reviewers were not very impressed by his answers and comments. Taking part in a Reddit AMA is supposed to be a good way to build online camaraderie, but Andrew Scott more or less somehow failed at it.

Critics said that his appearance was one of the worst AMA's of all time because the actor was only able to answer about two dozen questions while writing very few words. There were also several instances when he did not even answer the questions thrown at him.

The whole event has left people wondering what truly happened, although no answers are forthcoming. It would seem that someone from Andrew Scott's camp thought that an appearance on Reddit was a good idea. Perhaps the actor was overwhelmed because when celebrities come for an AMA, someone from Reddit typically helps to them type the answers. The overall verdict was that the AMA did more harm than good.

Here are some of the questions and Andrew's responses: 

Q: What was it like (almost) kissing Benedict Cumberbatch?
A: Ben is my friend and my colleague. 

Q: Hey, what is your opinion of all the creepy fandoms on Tumblr?
A: Most people are really lovely. 

Q: What do you think youth around the world can do to stop hate crimes against the LBGTQ community?
A: Be kind to people. Everybody is going through something. 

Read the full responses here