U.S. Rep. Ann McLane Kuster and challenger New Hampshire state representative Marilinda Garcia have responded to a controversial comments by New Hampshire state representative Steve Vaillancourt that Kuster will lose the race because she is less attrative than a "drag queen."

In a blog post titled "If Looks Really Matter, Where Does That Leave Kuster/Garcia Race," Vaillancourt, who is currently enjoying his sixth term according to Fox News Latino, pointed out the role looks can play in an election, citing the presidential battle between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.

According to the Republican, this is good news for Garcia, a 31-year-old Republican.

"... Garcia is one of the [most] attractive women on the political scene anywhere, not so attractive as to be [intimidating], but truly attractive," he wrote. "How attractive is Marilinda Garcia? ... Democrats and Annie Kuster supporters can't seem to find a photo of Marilinda Garcia looking bad at all."

Vaillancourt, 62, then proceeded to attack the appearance of Kuster.

"Does anyone not believe that Congressman Annie Kuster is as ugly as sin? And I hope I haven't offended sin," he continued.

Next, Vaillancourt compared the 58-year-old politician to drag queens he's seen in Montreal's Mados bar.

"... the drag queens are more [attractive] than Annie Kuster....not that there's anything wrong with that," he wrote. "... Annie Kuster looks more like a drag queen than most men in drag. Ouch!"

In response, Kuster said she has "thick skin."

"Steve Vaillancourt can say whatever he's going to say. ... What it leads to is a much more important conversation to have, which is frankly, what's offensive to the voters of New Hampshire is the Republican platform," she said according to Concord Monitor.

Meanwhile, Garcia said Vaillancourt's statements "have absolutely no place in political discourse."

"Both Rep. Kuster and I have experienced this unfortunate reality of being a woman in politics," she said in a statement according to FNL. "I hope that as time moves forward and more female candidates run for political office around the country, people will focus on the content of our ideas rather than what we wear and how we look."

Polls have usually shown Kuster leading Garcia by "double digits," FNL reports, but some more recent polls show the race being more even, or with Garcia ahead.


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