Runescape has been around for a long time. It's a free massively multiplayer online role-playing game similar to Warcraft.

The game has been updated many times since debuting in 2001, and of course, like most PC games, there are cheats for it.

Make 100K every 30 minutes: You have to be at a level 20 or above to use this cheat. Once you get to level 20, you unlock a new area near Varrock. Go there and you will see four limpwirt roots on the ground. Sell them for about 1.1K (or more). Keep repeating this. Every 10 minutes you will replenish an entire inventory of these roots. Keep selling them and collecting them. In about 30 minutes you can have as much as 100K from them.

Cook up some lobsters: Catch some lobsters in Karamja and keep them in your inventory. Wait until you have at least 1000 of these. Cook these raw lobsters up near a bank, especially Draynor Bank. Then head over to Varrock to go to the Bank of Varrock near the Essence Mine. Now sell the cooked lobsters and make some extra cash.

Stand out in the in-game chat: Type glow1 followed by a colon and then whatever you want to say. Example "glow1: you killed me!" Type purple: followed by your sentence to make your text purple.

Here are some other things you can do to modify your chat experience:


Unlimited axes: Go to Lumbridge and ask for an axe from the woodsman. He will provide you with one. Drop it somewhere or sell it. Then go back to him and he will give you another one. You will never run out of axes thanks to this exploit.

What do you think of these Runescape cheats? Leave us a comment and let us know.