The Walking Dead Season 4 premieres on October 13, and while fans are waiting for the big day, they have been satisfying their appetite for guts and gore with Walking Dead webisodes, according to the LA Times. As a result, fans are pumped up more than ever for Rick's return in Season 4.

This is the third year that "Walking Dead" producers have released webisodes ahead of the season premiere, and for the most part, it's quite a smart move. Fans of the show are left stoked and excited for the return of Season 4. The webisodes tell entirely different stories from Rick's circle of survivors, as it tackles short tales from the "Walking Dead" universe, reports

The webisode series comprises of three (3) parts under the title "The Oath." It features the story of                 post - apocalypse survivors Paul (Wyatt Russell) and Karina (Ashley Bell). As they struggle to survive in the grim, deathly world of the "Walking Dead," they encounter another zombie attack and one of them gets wounded.  In their search for medical aid, they meet a doctor named Gale (Ellen Greene). The duo however, may not be so lucky in this chance encounter, as the doctor may have a few hidden agenda of her own.  The webisode series comes under the direction of Greg Nicotero, who serves as executive producer, as well as the makeup genius for the hit AMC zombie series.  (Watch Paul and Karina survive here).

Horror movie fans will be doubly pleased that Ashley Bell is taking on a "Walking Dead" webisodes character. Who could ever forget her from "The Last Exorcism" as the girl who could contort her body backwards, being possessed by a demon? The audience will have to hold their breath for what's in store for her in the "Walking Dead world."  

Meanwhile, sources at Entertainment Weekly say the "The Oath" is actually a prequel. Either Gale, Paul or Karina may have written the four (4) haunting words of warning we've read on Season 1: "Don't Open - Dead Inside."

Who do you think survived?