The cast of "Avengers: Age of Ultron" will soon take flight, but not in the way you'd expect -- the bad-ass characters will soon be London-bound for the New Year to re-shoot some "kick-ass" scenes for the highly-anticipated Marvel blockbuster.

Director Joss Whedon is reportedly upping the ante in the action department and inviting a few "Avengers 2" stars to "quietly re-assemble" in London early in 2015 to shoot some extra scenes for the Marvel film that is expected to be a visually "kick-ass" extravaganza.

Who's heading across the pond from the cast of "Avengers: Age of Ultron?"

Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Mark Ruffalo (The Hulk), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), Paul Bettany (The Vision), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) and Tom Hiddleston (bad-guy Loki) have all been asked to make themselves available over a two-week period in January to film additional scenes at Pinewood Studios, according to the Daily Mail.

"Director Joss Whedon and the film's producers may not require all the stars to fly into the UK, but they had to send out an early blanket notice so they'd be around if required," the Daily Mail adds. "And for the kind of money this cast is being paid, they're not going to refuse."

What will these new action scenes entail?

While Whedon hasn't divulged any major details to the upcoming re-shoot in the U.K., the film is already on the right track after the well-received release of its official trailer. Marvel fans have been itching more clues and action scenes, so the London shoot will be sure to add more action and depth to the film.

Meanwhile, anxious "Avengers" fans have even gone as far to re-make the "Avengers: Age of Ultron" trailer with their own hilarious, low-budget version in anticipation for the upcoming film.

"I understand that, as with the James Bond films, 'Age Of Ultron' -- the second Avengers movie -- needs a bit more kick-ass on an extravagant scale. The Avengers movies and their spin-offs have become box office diamond dust," Baz Bamigboye of the Daily Mail pointed out. "Audiences cram into cinemas to see them - but they also demand that the action in each new film be more spectacular than the last."

In 2015, "Avengers" 3 and 4 will shoot back-to-back, reportedly also in Pinewood, U.K.

In "Avengers: Age of Ultron," Marvel's beloved character Tony Stark/Iron Man (played by Robert Downey Jr.) is attempting to launch a dormant peacekeeping program. But when things go askew, it's up to The Avengers to stop the villainous Ultron from enacting his malicious plans.

The cast of "Avengers: Age of Ultron" also includes: Chris Evans; Aaron Taylor Johnson; Don Cheadle; Elizabeth Olsen; Samuel L. Jackson; and Lou Ferrigno, among others.

Marvel's "Avengers: Age of Ultron" hits theaters May 1, 2015.