Grand Theft Auto 5 differs from its predecessor -- Grand Theft Auto 4 -- in that the game has a wide variety of cheat codes to type in. The previous game had the codes stored into the character's cell phone.

The bestselling GTA game, which was just released last month, also differs in that it has already broken all kinds of records and has even cracked at least half of a dozen records in Guinness World Records. Most notably the game broke the record for the highest revenue generated by an entertainment product in 24 hours. This tops all other films and games ever.

While many people bought the game with hopes of playing the story and beating it outright, others also enjoy the game for it's free-range mode. This is where the codes come into play.

The codes are customized for both the Xbox One and the PS4 and we have a list of them here thanks to IGN.

PS3, Lower Wanted Level: R1, R1, Circle, R2, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT

Xbox 360, Lower Wanted Level: RB, RB, B, RT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT

PS3, Give Parachute: LEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, L1

Xbox 360, Give Parachute: LEFT, RIGHT, LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, LB

PS3, Max Health and Armor: CIRCLE, L1, TRIANGLE, R2, X, SQUARE, CIRCLE, RIGHT, SQUARE, L1, L1, L1

Xbox 360, Max Health and Armor: B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, RIGHT, X, LB, LB, LB