An iPhone jailbreak developer warned other jailbreakers that it remains unclear whether a jailbreak would work on the updated iOS 7.0.3, which was released earlier this week during Apple's event.

"Potential iOS7 jailbreakers should stay away from today's 7.0.3 for now," MuscleNerd said. "Too early to tell if it closes anything important for JB."

This news helps to confirm that the jailbreak probably will not be released in the next few days since the hackers have not even gotten to 7.0.3. They will be announcing a release date but said they needed some more time to be sure.

The most we know about the progress of a jailbreak is that the Evad3rs are "working hard," as PlanetBeing tweeted in the beginning of October. The hackers recently returned to the country after attending a session on iOS hacking in Malaysia and a breakthrough could come anytime.

In the meantime, it appears that the hackers may have iPad jailbreaks in the back of their mind as well. Evad3r and @pod2g both told idesigntimes that they would "usually think about that when we have something ready."

Some websites this week said that jailbreakers were hoping for a new release by around Oct. 22 and 23, the time of Apple's event, but so far there still has yet to be an announcement of an iPhone jailbreak with the new iOS 7 operating system.

In other related news, the new iPad Minis with a Retina display will cost $399, while the ones without the Retina display will start at $299. The iPad 2 will be $399 and the iPad Air will be $499.