Breaking Ice, the fan tribute to the tremendous AMC series Breaking Bad provides a narrative of the show through ice-skating. Sheridan Williams-Sotelo, an assistant editor on Breaking Bad is behind the skating homage to the series.

The short six-minute video begins with Walt's khaki's soaring through the air as the highly recognizable RV blazes through a desert setting. Then, cut to: skater Walter White (Troy Ruptash) spinning on his blades while the folksy song "Negro & Azul" plays as Walt carves into the ice that he skates on. Then, Skinny Pete, Badger, and Jesse Pinkman (Brandon Michael Larom) appear, skating to the song "Fallacies" as they throw pizza boxes about the rink.

Blue ice shatters (which is meant to represent White's signature recipe of highly potent, chemically sound meth), and there's a transition to a segment called "Elegy for Jane," and Jesse and Jane are seen skating as a pair, while identifiable items from the show, like the eye ball or the teddy bear that fell from the sky following the plane crash, are shown. They do a lover's dance while Jesse is clad in a green robe and Jane is wrapped in pink ribbon. Soon, she appears dead on a mat. A man in a hazmat suit stands nearby.

The characters Gale Boetticher, Gustavo Fring, Jesse and another man skate as chemical formulas appear. Jesse kills Gale Boetticher with a gun wound from his green bubble gun, who is White's chemical assistant hired on by Fring.

Scenes from some of the final episodes are reenacted, and finally, Walt's hat flies and lands far from the characters, signifying his death.

The crime drama, that inspired the clever ice show, is set and produced in New Mexico. Breaking Bad is the story of Walter White (Bryan Cranston) who is diagnosed with cancer, and decides to produce and sell methamphetamine in order to ensure that his family will be financially secure following his death.