On Wednesday's episode of Conan, American Hustle actress, Jennifer Lawrence, explained just how awkward it can get when you're traveling with a pile of butt plugs.

The story started off innocent enough. The 23-year-old actress explained what her back-up job would be if she didn't become the star of an actress she is today. Surprisingly enough, Lawrence has her eyes on the cleaning service.

"I would be a hotel maid because I loves beds and bathrooms and spraying and going through everybody's stuff," she said. "Every day there's new people to snoop on. It would be my dream."

Snooping comes at a price, however. Since Lawrence likes to snoop herself, it's no surprise that karma got her back. And it appears that karma has a sense of humor.

It all started with some butt plugs.

"This is actually really funny," Lawrence reminisced. "Somebody as a joke bought me a bunch of butt plugs. It's a long story."

You can't end a story there. Lucky for us curious minds, The Hunger Games star didn't leave the story open-ended, so to speak.

"I had a copious amount of butt plugs. Tons of butt plugs. All different kinds of colors and the maid was coming so I was like, 'Well I'll just shove this under the bed so she doesn't see all these butt plugs,'" Lawrence explained. "She might not know they are for a joke."

Lawrence should know by now, however, that the first place people look when snooping is under the bed. She obviously has some work to do before ever starting a career as a maid.

"Then I came back, and all of them were brought out of the bed and were in this beautiful display on my bedside table," Lawrence continued.

She had dreams of saving face.

"I think she knew what she was doing," Lawrence said. "They were under the bed. I wanted to leave a note like, 'not mine' or 'bought as joke.'"

What was host Conan O'Brien's response to all this?


Check out the hilarious interview below: