As a way to bring attention to the dangers women face while dealing with an unwanted pregnancy in a country that does not allow abortion, instructional videos that purport to show the extremes these pregnant women might go through in order to terminate their pregnancy have been released online in Chile. And these graphic videos have gone viral.

As reported by the BBC, the videos, which are in reality fictional campaigning videos and not tutorials on how to have an “accidental” abortion, have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times and have been instrumental in instigating a debate about the country's policy on the issue of abortion.

"Accidental" abortions, or miscarriages, are the only legal way for a woman to end a pregnancy. Some of the videos suggest drastic measures for a woman to terminate her abortion, such as walking unto oncoming traffic. 

The videos were published on the YouTube page of MILES Chile, an organization working for better reproductive and sexual rights and laws. 

Currently the largely Catholic country of Chile is one of the few remaining nations where abortion is illegal without exception. As it now stands abortion is punishable in Chile by up to five years in jail.

But things may be changing for Chilean women.

In January President Michelle Bachelet tabled a bill to the Chilean legislature meant to legalize abortion in cases of rape or when there is a threat to the life of the mother or the unborn baby.

Bachelet talked about her plans on national television: "Facts have shown that the absolute criminalization of abortion has not stopped the practice."

As quoted by BBC, the president said, "This is a difficult situation and we must face it as a mature country."

Although previous proposals have been rejected in the congress, polls state that most Chileans do in fact support the legalization of abortion, in the terms that Bachelet has outlined.

The majority of Latin American countries greatly limit the public’s access to abortion. Aside from Chile, the nations of El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, Haiti and Suriname, still have a total ban in place regarding abortion.

Watch some of the "tutorials:"