Beyoncé's self-titled visual album has everybody talking... a month after its release! The Friday the 13th album launch cleary didn't scare away fans as it's still tearing up the sales charts. The majority of sales are coming from iTunes, however a CD version does exist. The CD version is a bit of a dud though; it's stripped down because it doesn't feature the music videos. Retailers like Target and Amazon were miffed that the album was an iTunes exclusive for the first week of its release and refused to stock it (though they have bigger problems to worry about than an album release). Regardless of the quality of the CD release or the issue that it wasn't carried in many stores fans agree that the songs are hot, hot, hot.

Since Beyoncé was released at the tail end of 2013, it still has a lot of life left in it. While it won't become 2014's biggest seller, it's poised to take dominate the awards shows and garner the most buzz. In fact, Beyoncé should just get a new new house to stuff all the awards she stands to win. But what else does Beyoncé have planned for the new year? Well, it would seem that anything is possible for Queen Bey -- even world domination.

Could we see Beyoncé embark on a new worldwide tour? That would help further her albums already hot numbers. A tour would perfectly complement the cinematic style of Beyoncé. But she is currently in the thick of her lucrative and well received The Mrs. Carter Show tour. Could two tours in a two year span be possible? After all, celebrities are still human beings.

Maybe the Queen Bey could launch another album, further exploring her return to the sexy, sultry, glamour she showcased over the course of 18 videos. Will Beyoncé's daughter, Blue Ivy, pop up in more videos/songs/social media relating to a new album? She's still only two years old so don't expect her to belt out a chorus yet. Until the time Blue Ivy becomes old enough to learn how to sing, you'll have to settle for her mother singing about her in songs like God Made You Beautiful.

Do you think Beyoncé will release a new album? If so, what do you think it will be called? Let me know in the comments section below.