For every avid follower and fan of both comic book superheroes Superman and Batman, it can be thrilling to hear that the movie sequel Superman vs Batman will soon shoot their next scenes in Michigan, according to

It was back in October when it was first reported that the very first scene of the movie was done in California. Earlier news stated that the director Zack Snyder needed to shoot a football crowd which he thought was easier to make if it was done during the actual game season. Now this new scene update via the Henry Cavill News says that the first Michigan shoot has been disclosed which is the Camp Metamora. The location is near Flint, Michigan but more details of the scene to be shot are kept confidential. However, further reports state that Warner Bros will build a brand new house on the torn down property of the camp grounds which is near Otsikita Lake.

On other Superman vs Batman casting news, the Game of Thrones star confirmed with IGN that everything heard about him getting on board the film are all just rumors. Numerous speculations spread since last year that Momoa allegedly auditioned for the Doomsday role or may even the Martian Manhunter character. It was The Hollywood Reporter too who revealed last December that the actor is having discussions in being a part of the said movie franchise.

Yahoo UK Movies just released fresh reports of Josh Holloway being considered for a role in the Superman sequel. However, no particular role has been specified just yet.

The Michigan scene reported to be shot soon is talked about to happen anytime during February of this year. Superman vs Batman will be released and featured on the big screen by July 17, 2015.

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