Is she an animal rights activist or just a crazy girl wanting to stir some trouble? A 23-year old woman in Westport, Conn. attempted to smash the glass of a pet store to "set the puppies free." She was caught in the act by police who caught up to the woman who ran with the rock still in hand.

"We got a call at 2 a.m. from the police saying someone had broken into our store," said Monty Kaufman, Puppies of Westport's owner. "All of our animals come from USDA licensed facilities, pet stores in the state are fairly heavily regulated. They only can come from USDA licensed facilities," Kaufman added. In other words, neither the puppies nor any other animal in the store are trapped.

"Upon arresting her, she kept repeating over and over again that she planning to set the dogs free", said Kaufman. The young woman is identified as Anouk Govil, a name that shows up in animal rights websites. She is actually a part of a group of activists who are trying to shut down Connecticut's puppy stores due to suspicions of the animals coming from inhumane puppy mills.

Govil was caught on a surveillance camera of the laundromat next door. Although the woman was able to smash the glass with a rock, she wasn't able to free any puppies. A police officer happened to be right across the street and heard the sound that led him to the woman.

Ms. Govil faces one count of criminal mischief in the criminal courts and the owners of the pet store plan to sue her for damage to their property. The woman posted a $500 bail as she awaits her trial later on. We're just glad the puppies are okay and really hope that there's no abuse going on in any way.