Beagles are a breed of small to medium-sized hound which were developed for tracking small game, which might explain this dog's uncanny ability to solve problems relating to the procurement of food.

Owner Rodd Scheinerman says, "Lucy is always getting into trouble. Everyday when we get home the chair is moved and little foot prints are on the counter. Sometimes food would be missing. "

"A few weeks before, we had company over. I had made a filet roast. We were in the other room. I was looking at my friend his jaw was wide open. He says dude your dog is in the oven. I ran into the kitchen ... Lucy was on the large oven door, chowing down on our dinner."

He explains how he captured the video that is now going viral: "So a few weeks later I was cleaning out the freezer found some old chicken nuggets. I had decided to set up Lucy. I set up the camera on a tripod pointing at the small toaster oven. Put the chicken nuggets in the oven turned the oven on for 12 minutes and left for the grocery store."

40 minutes later, he returned home to find the pan on the floor and caught the dog in the act, on tape.

Dog owners everywhere can relate to stories like these. One commenter told a smart dog story of his own: "Use to have a Siberian husky. She is in the car, engine running. I realize I had locked my keys in the car. I always carry 2 sets, problem, second set is in my coat pocket in the back seat. We tried a coat hanger and other ideas all failed, my husky is now giving me the 'boy your dumb look' so I said fine you open it. She bit the lock and pulled it up in 1 2 3."

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