"Ugly Betty" star America Ferrera penned an open letter to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on The Huffington Post and addressed the presidential hopeful for his remarks regarding immigrants crossing into the U.S. from Mexico.

In June, Trump came out in wildly over-the-top fashion as a presidential hopeful who will be running for the Republican nomination for president. He descended an escalator to the music of Neil Young, who had publicly endorsed Bernie Sanders for president, and addressed a crowd of people. The crowd included paid actors that were brought in from a talent agency Trump hired.

Trump's speech included scathing comments about Latinos who have crossed the border, calling them criminals and rapists.

Ferrera, in her op-ed, addressed Trump's remarks in a classy way that only a seasoned professional could.

"You've said some pretty offensive things about Latino immigrants recently, and I think they're worth addressing. Because, you know, this is the United States of America, where I have a right to speak up even if I'm not a billionaire. Isn't that awesome?" Ferrera wrote.

"Anyway, I heard what you said about the kind of people you think Latino immigrants are -- people with problems, who bring drugs, crime and rape to America. While your comments are incredibly ignorant and racist, I don't want to spend my time chastising you. I'll leave that to your business partners like Univision and NBC, who have the power to scold you where it hurts. Instead, I'm writing to say thank you!" she wrote, which led to her classiest moment on the page.

It is no secret that turnout at the polls in recent years has been somewhat dismal. These numbers are especially low in American minority groups, such as African-Americans, Latinos and others. This also includes turnout from millennials who have yet to develop a vested interest in politics or domestic policies.

But Ferrera's next comment would speak volumes for Trump's influence over that process.

"You see, what you just did with your straight talk was send more Latino voters to the polls than several registration rallies combined! Thank you for that. Here we are pounding the pavement to get American Latinos to the polls, while your tactic proves most effective. Remarks like yours will serve brilliantly to energize Latino voters and increase turnout on election day against you and any other candidate who runs on a platform of hateful rhetoric." Ferrera wrote.