After getting arrested twice in one week and his mug shot all over the web, Justin Bieber is now the subject of a White House petition to deport the singer.  Dr. Phil was asked about him on a visit to The Late Show with David Letterman. He said, "You'd think there would be people paying huge sums of money to keep him out of trouble. Seriously!"

"The guy needs to get a part-time job or something. Let's get him on down to Walmart and let him be a greeter," the television psychologist said, partly joking. "I'll tell you what the trouble is ... You got too much money, and too much time, and no accountability. And then you put that on top of somebody that's 19, and so they're flowing 100 percent testosterone, and so they're going to make bad decisions."

Another young person who has been getting a lot of attention recently is Miley Cyrus, but compared to Justin her antics seem fairly tame. Their respective behaviors are typical of teenagers because Miley as a girl is flaunting her personality and Justin is breaking rules, both of them are trying to find their identities as adults.

Miley was asked what her advice was on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. "I know you're friends with Justin," Leno said, "Any advice you would give him?" Miley says, "Um, I would just say, you know what, you've got a lot of money, pay people to make sure you don't get in trouble. And party at your house. Buy a house, and add a club to it."

Miley then pointed out something her fans have also pointed out, which is that she does a lot of things but none of them are illegal. "I don't see a Miley mug shot yet," she said. Although the two singers look alike, with a picture of Justin's mug shot and her "Adore You" photo going viral.